The First Week Of Autumn
This week the heat disappeared and cool mornings and evenings and glorious afternoons replaced it. It has hovered in the low 70's with blue skies and clear air. I have spent less time on the deck than I would have liked, but I have enjoyed my time at home very much. Our truck was down again and we had three drivers and one car, so I was the odd man out, staying home every day but today, when my daughter took us to co-op. I actually wish it could be this way every week. I love my home and being here during the day. I love homeschooling and working on the deck, hearing my granddaughter chatter as she plays, putting her down for a nap with a light blanket over her to keep off the chill. My son has been working well and getting finished before 2, sometimes as early as noon, and this has been a welcome change. This week we started delving into Ancient Greece. We are reading the Magic Tree House Hour of the Olympics in Literature, doing Greek ...