Up for Review
Today we had our first homeschool review of third grade. The county reviews do not stress me out like they do alot of my other homeschool friends. I have never had a bad experience in the thirteen years I have been doing them so I don't find them to be something to dread. We got to the library around 9:15 with my daycare child and my son. I had decided to leave my granddaughters with their other grandmother because they can be a bit of a handful, plus lugging all my gear for school and 3 little girls didn't seem like a lot of fun. Our review was with a new gentleman and it ended up taking 30 minutes, about 20 minutes longer than it normally does. Everything went well and he got a good review. The gentleman was kind and engaging and my son was polite. After the library we picked up the girls and they were both crying by the time I drove the 2 minutes home. The next hour was hectic, getting 3 kids fed and the baby a bottle and all I managed to inh...