Just Another Manic Monday

This Monday didn't start off perfectly, but we made the best of it.  I forgot I had a 9am meeting to get my taxes done.  We made our green eggs and "ham" (a green pancake because Koda doesn't eat ham) and some green milk and then did a little carschooling, watching our Cat in the Hat video en route to the tax office.  I took some of the coloring that we were going to do and a Horton Hears A Who Dot to Dot and Word Search, all of which kept him busy during the actual meeting.  We read some of our Dr. Seuss books in the waiting area.  No time "wasted" and I didn't have to play catch up when I got back home.  Back at home we stayed on track, finishing our Seuss work, reading our Scholastic News (working on headlines and captions), doing the related crossword puzzle and practicing our Three Billy Goats Gruff play. 
After lunch is always more of a challenge because I get involved in other projects and I find it hard to pull myself back to focus on his work.  Today we did the first part of a cloze packet on George Washington, wrote in his journal with a tie-in to Dr. Seuss and then did a March calendar activity and his lesson for math.  On days like today where we got in several art and language arts activities, I have no problem spreading them out over the week in my planner for the days when we are busier and get less done.  Tomorrow is a field trip so an art activity and a language art activity both went into tomorrow's planner to round out what looks to be a very busy day out of the house. 


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