He's got a license and he's not afraid to use it!

My eighteen year old son got his driver's license today.  He wasn't mature enough at sixteen, but he is definitely ready now.  This was his third try because he kept failing the parallel parking, but he breezed right through and came out of the car from the test with a huge smile on his face and a swagger in his strut.  I'm happy for him...I do believe he's ready.  I know I will worry, but I've asked my dad to be the angel on his shoulder and I've asked the Lord to protect him and keep him safe.  I guess that's all I can do.  He's a good boy....responsible, careful and smart.  I can only pray that he makes smart choices and that when he does not, that angel will be there to keep him safe from harm.  Drive safely, my greatest love.  You mean the world to me.  Make sure that you stay aware and alert and never drive faster than the angel on your shoulder can fly.


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