Please don't let them all be like this!!

Today was one of those days in every homeschooler/stay at home mom's life when she says "why?".  Why am I putting myself through this?  Why don't I use public school and daycare?  Why don't I just enjoy a quiet house where there is no contention?

You know the days.  We all have them.  I had alot to do and it was weighing on my mind.  I got up on time, got the laundry done and the house straightened, took my shower and poured my coffee all before 8am.  My granddaughter came and she seemed pleasant enough.  I had all my work, school items and co-op class papers nearby and I was ready to tackle my day.

I'm not sure when things started to go south.  My son was not at all focused and while I tried to get him to do a few easy tasks, he fidgeted, talked back, took way too much time to color simple things and just, in general, didn't want to do much.  My granddaughter, who usually sleeps from 9 to 12:30, wouldn't go down until 9:30 and she was back up by 10:05.  Nothing made her happy for more than 10 minutes.  By lunch time I was fried.  I couldn't think straight with all the crying going on and my nerves were completely plucked.  I fed the baby again and gave Dakota an hour break so I could collect myself.  That wasn't the brightest idea, because instead of her normal 3 or 4 hour nap, the baby, of course, slept less than that hour and there was very little I could teach with an unfocused seven year old and a screaming infant.  I finally got wise and called it a day.  We'll finish up what we didn't do today when we get home from co-op tomorrow.

My daughter just came and picked up the baby.  Dakota and I have been trying very hard to watch Rio, but Natalie made it nearly impossible.  She went through 6 outfits today and I went through 5 shirts.  My head hurts, my ears are ringing and I am emotionally drained.  I am so very glad that I just do the weekday shift!!

Tomorrow is another day.  I start my new co-op with some great women and their children and I don't have the baby because her mom needs her for an appointment.  I truly do love homeschooling and I wouldn't have a stranger raising my granddaughter while her mom works.  It's just on days like today when I am feeling my age and doubting my sanity that I feel like tossing in the towel. Be honest...we all have these days!


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