Homeschooling fun

Yesterday Dakota and I had a good day and when we were relaxing that evening he told me that the day was "fun".  Now we have alot of fun days, but this was a normal homeschooling day and Dakota is a tough customer to please so I was very happy that he felt this way!
I am not sure that the day was really special in any particular way.  We started with work at the table, doing Language Arts, Draw and Write and Math.  He went into his room for computer time for spelling and to read his library books.  We wrapped up the morning finishing our Magic Tree House Civil War on Sunday book and then had lunch.
After lunch we sat together in the chair and went through some websites made by school children about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad.  We found a good one that was compelling and gave Dakota the chance to play the role of a slave who was escaping and make the decisions he may have had to make about what road to take and whether or not to continue.  We spent more time on that than I had planned so I scrapped the rest of the history lesson and we did our character lesson on responsibility.  Here's where I considered the fun to start.  Dakota is the master of excuses just now.  There is always a reason for everything that doesn't make anything I say appealing.  We had to make stick puppets for Responsible Rhino, Lazy Llama, Too Tired Turtle, Forgetful Ferret and Too Busy Beaver.  Then I read different statements made by adults and Dakota had to answer for Responsible Rhino and then for one of the Excuses animals.  He found this hysterical and used different voices to talk like each excuse.  We wrapped up the day starting a new science unit and went over matter, properties and mass.  Text reading and worksheets were finished quickly and then he got to have movie night with Dad, watching Real Steel, a robot wrestling movie, which is right up his alley just now.


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