Hoping for a normal week!

Last week was a chaotic one, but I am hoping for much calmer seas this week.  Today was a normal homeschooling day with story starters, spelling and language arts to begin, followed by the finish of our MTH book, Dragon of the Red Dawn.  We practiced writing Haiku poems to wrap up our brief acquaintance with ancient Japan and then moved on to regular math, finishing our unit.  I ordered Abeka grade 2 test and drills book, even though we will only be using it for a few months.  I am sure I can resell it, but I was given the drills book and liked what I saw.  I like Saxon, but it is plain, with no pictures.  Dakota likes math books with lots of color and fun, but our Harcourt Grade 2, in my opinion, is too flimsy.  If I like the Abeka grade 2 I think I will buy the grade 3 for the fall, along with their Language 3 and Spelling and Poetry 2.  I do want to continue with Harcourt Science, however, and will be getting their Grade 3 book and workbook from Amazon.

Anyway, who can believe it's that time of year to think about this anyway!  I feel as if we were just starting the year and already we are thinking about what we can fit into the remaining two months of first grade and what we need to think about for the fall.  Time flies when you are having fun!

After finishing math we watched the Scholastic Storybook Treasures, So You Want to Be President?  It started out really good, but went way too long.  After about 20 minutes or so Dakota and I both lost interest.  It has merit, no doubt, but it seemed to drag on and on. Thankfully we took our lunch break afterward.

I had a few things planned after lunch, but Dakota got lost in our new rock unit for science.  We read a book, used a magnifying glass to take a closer look at some rocks and then he dug into a large bag of fancy and not so fancy rocks we have accumulated through the years and got lost in them.  He was so excited!  I let him look through them until he finally got tired of them, but by then we were out of time and I just sent him off to read for awhile.  Work was calling and I was getting grumpy and tired.  Enough.


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