
Today was day 2 of our second grade homeschooling year.  It went okay in the morning, except my granddaughter decided sleep was not going to be her thing.  We doubled up on the subjects we missed yesterday afternoon since I had them planned out for the week and just decided to wait until Tuesday next week for the other subjects like Science and Health.  Dakota was cooperating well and while he was learning to look up words in the dictionary he said "I'm surprised!  I'm having fun!".  Well that was a plus!  We didn't do anything creative or wonderful...I am still reeling from this move to college by my older son and wonderful and creative have not rejoined my circle yet, but we got through, shared a few laughs and finished what was on the morning schedule right at noon.

The problems began after lunch....a return of last year's dilemma.  We take an hour lunch break.  In that time I cook lunch and feed Dakota and Natalie during the first 30 minutes and then sit down to decompress and eat my own lunch from 12:30 to 1:00.  Coming back from lunch, however, always poses a problem for Dakota who doesn't want to work again.  This has always been a struggle and today was no different.  So we struggled through the afternoon and Natalie decided that an afternoon nap wasn't in her agenda either.  I was very glad when we finally closed the books and called this homeschool day ended!

Now it's off to Dakota's first baseball practice of the fall.  I am not really looking forward to it, but it will get rid of some of his energy and maybe he will be ready to settle in when we get home.  Maybe.


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