Somedays you're the windshield...some days you're the bug

Whew!  What a day!  I got up early and got the majority of my work done for my company, was ready when Natalie came and Dakota got up on time with his alarm, but nothing went well after that.  It was just a hectic day.  Dakota was wound up and not focused.  I was wound tight and crabby.  Natalie, thankfully, was pretty normal.  We got started just about on time with Koda reading three stories from his children's Bible and then we got our morning work and science done.  Things started to go down hill with our experiment not working and then we tried math and for some reason Dakota has lost his multiplication tables skill and this gives him stress when it comes to doing his math lessons with multiplication and division.  We really have to start doing flash cards every day again.  He used to be so good at them, but not anymore.

We read some of our Mouse and the Motorcycle, read one of my favorites "Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain" and took our lunch break around 12:30.  Chicken noodle soup and peanut butter crackers for the boys and I had to laugh when I had to eat all the chicken out of Dakota's soup, just like I had to do with Brian David years ago.

More chaos ensued during the lunch break and I was just wanting to get going to get our writing assignment and history done.  Just as we sat down Natalie went off the deep end, the dogs started barking at the FedEx man and Brian David starting blaring his music with enough bass to make the walls tremble.  I am trying very hard to explain a new concept to Dakota and we just looked at each other and laughed.  It was that insane!!  The humor helped diffuse the stress and he actually did a good job using his story map to write a good opening paragraph to his story. After that, we learned about Hammurabi and the Babylonians and did our work to coincide with that unit and then happily called it a homeschool day....except the TV took that time to go wonky, the DVD player for Natalie's movie wouldn't work and Koda came out to tell me that his Xbox wasn't working.  When I went in to fix that, Brian David told me the internet was out.  I swear, I think the stars were aligned in a bad way for me today!

So now it's time for dinner.  I want to get my school stuff started for tomorrow because I know that the more prepared I am in the morning, the more relaxed I am to start my day.  I want to download my next book in my series I am reading onto my Kindle Fire because I find I really do enjoy having it with me where ever I go and reading it on there at night means I don't have to leave the light on.  Brian David is going to a Towson basketball game, which means the music won't be rocking the windows and big Brian and Dakota are going to basketball practice around 7:15 for an hour or so.  I am waiting...just waiting...for a quiet empty house for just a little bit.  I love them all and I don't ever wish for quiet all the time, but an hour or two here and there is surely very welcome.


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