Earth Day

Yesterday was Earth Day and we celebrated with friends.  When they arrived around 11am, we had lunch, watched part of the Lorax and read a book.  Then we took some supplies and headed down to the park for a scavenger hunt. The kids had a great time collecting a pine cone, a feather, different kinds of leaves and rocks, making bark rubbings and flower sketches.  They got some play time in on the playground equipment too, enjoying each other's company.  Later, back at the house, they learned about the parts of a seed, took one apart from the "helicopters" in our front yard and planted marigold seeds and lima beans.  Then they painted using bingo markers to make flowers and took turns making cherry blossoms with empty 2 liter soda bottles (reduce, reuse, recycle!)  Koda and I really enjoy learning time with our friends.  It's nice to get the chance to do group activities and even Natalie and little Brady,who are the same age, have forged a  nice friendship.  It's a win/win situation!


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