Not a Great Day

Today was a tough one.  I thought it would be easy because I only had Dakota and one daycare boy who has come for years, but both of them had a pretty rotten attitude that seemed to grow worse throughout the day, which in turn made my mood turn south.  They played and had breakfast and at 9:45 we left for what I thought was a drop in craft time at Michaels.  We met our friends there and realized that it was a class and we missed it.  Oh well.  We got back in the car and headed to Lake Waterford, where the kids, all eight of them! were able to get some sun and fresh air, although they each spent some time whining and sitting with us.  My daughter and granddaughter joined in the fun and even the hubby dropped by.  When we got home, things really went poorly when I told the boys it was time to read while I made lunch.  My own son threw a tantrum and the daycare friend refused to read for the first 20 minutes.  After that, they didn't want to go swimming and argued with me because I said no video games.  Finally, at 3:00, they did their baseball themed packets and played a baseball math game that went well...after a huge fight about the rules.  They built a collaboration Lego project for their Lego Quest and then Dakota threw another fit about getting dressed for All Stars and then again about what he was eating for dinner. His dad was displeased with his behavior at practice and there was alot of nonsense going back and forth.  Then the dog escaped yet again and then there was more arguing from the son before I finally got him to bed and then had to work til 11pm.  UGH.  Long day.


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