Winter Weather Advisory

This week has been a crazy week for weather and it has thrown everything off.  On Monday night and all day on Tuesday, many schools were closed due to the intense cold and no one wanted to venture very far from home.  We had the blinds closed and a blanket over our leaky back door to keep the winds outside and not inside!  We were under covers and watching movies, enjoying our time as a family.  I didn't have my daycare baby on Tuesday and then W/Th/F I haven't had my granddaughters.  Wednesday and Thursday weren't bad out, but today we woke to a covering of ice on everything that caused even more school delays and my son in law is just keeping the girls so my daughter has less of a commute in slick conditions.

I am not a winter weather hater....mainly because I am a homeschooler and telecommuter with my job so usually if the weather is bad, I don't have to go anywhere.  I worry about my son commuting to college, but not this month, and my husband and daughters commuting to work.  I am the safe haven in the storm with a warm house, coffee brewing and usually brownies in the oven!

The crazy weather has made for a less than stellar homeschool week, but we have taken it all in stride, starting when we start and finishing up early on most days.  Yesterday my daughter offered to take the toddlers and my son to Chuck E. Cheese in the morning in exchange for my watching my infant granddaughter, so after morning work and math, Dakota spent three hours at Chuck E. Cheese having fun and then just got a little reading done when he came home before dinner and basketball practice.  Today, Daddy was home until 10 so we didn't start til then and we are watching a How It's Made:  Sports video that is pretty amazing.  We have already seen how a football, a football helmet, a mascot uniform, both a metal and wooden bat and a golf club are made, in addition to beer and hot dogs.  I think we will make sure we get our history and science in and finish our Narnia book so we can move on to an I Survived book and a new Magic Tree House book next week.  The boys are going on a dinner date with MomMom this evening and I am having a date with my hubby before we go to watch our oldest son play basketball tonight.  Three more basketball games this weekend for the boys, a Army/Navy game for my three guys Saturday afternoon and a lunch date with my friend will keep us busy.  I also need to find time to do 40 folders for work!  I think I'll start that this afternoon.


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