Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia

My family has been having a lot of fun with the winter Olympics.  We are using a unit study by Amanda Bennett and it has day by day activities that let us include language arts, vocabulary, research, history and more.  Today we watched a video from the viewpoint of a train passenger going through Siberia then learned about Freestyle Skiing and some of the competitors in that sport.  We found out that this was first introduced in 1988.  After watching the videos and answering some questions, we looked up the four daily vocabulary words in the dictionary and my son also wrote down the quote of the day.  We found some more articles and pictures in magazines and newspapers and cut them out and put them in our Winter Games 2014 notebook too.  Then for art, my son made a huge wall chart with 8 different countries, drawing and coloring their flags, and making columns for gold, silver and bronze medals.  We added the tally marks for how many medals those countries have won so far and will add the tally marks each day.

These activities have been lots of fun and they have really piqued my son's interest in the Olympic games.  His favorite sports is the new Slope Style Skiing and he has watched all the heats for both men and women and watched the finals.  We have watched some skating together, both speed skating and individual routines, but this isn't something he is really interested in.  Tomorrow, I believe, the bobsled's start and we have already learned about them in our unit and watched a few videos and my son is ready to cheer on the USA teams to victory.

Amanda Bennett has many good weekly and month long unit studies for kids, especially good for homeschoolers, but useful for parents who want to do somethings with their kids in the evening too.  You can look at them at  We have bought the Winter Olympics and are currently doing that one, but I also have the Baseball and Football units ready to go and I recently bought a pack of 7 countries to do in our geography unit starting in March.  They are so much fun and they are easy, while still be very challenging and educational.  I love them!


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