As Spring Turns Into Summer

       As spring turns into the summer of 2015 I am pleased with our fun activities so far.  It is weighing a bit heavy on my heart that my youngest is 10 years old, soon to be 11.  Only 4 more years to homeschool him.  Only 5 1/2 more years til he can drive.  I want to make the most of these years and give him memories to last a lifetime.  Some things we do just him and I, some with him and his dad, some include his older brother (22) and some include his sisters.  Quite a few include his little nieces, ages 4, 20 months and 3 months currently!
        So we started off with a big bang going to Disney World in April.  The two boys and I drove down, stopping in North Carolina on the way to spend some time with my sister in law.  We spent April 19th through 26th in Disney and then came home by way of Boiling Springs, South Carolina, where we spent the night with my sister and brother in law.
        Once home our travel baseball games kicked in and we've had lots of games at new places and dinners afterwards with great food.  We have been to Skyzone for Koda's buddy Tyler's birthday.  We've been to a couple of Oriole games, including a great night game with fireworks after and WJZ Weather Day at Camden Yards, including a soggy game after that.  We had a great homeschool picnic where we hooked up with many homeschool friends at Lake Waterford park and we went to Six Flags last Tuesday for Natalie's 4th birthday, taking along a friend for Dakota.  The weather was wonderful, the park was practically empty and we had a fantastic day. We went on a Park Quest to Wye Island on the Eastern Shore and dinner at Harris's Seafood that evening and of course, we have already had our first few bonfires of the season.

  All that in May!!
         June has started very cool and very damp, gray and rainy.  We can't get in any outdoor activities because of the weather, but we were blessed with a visit from my niece Stacey from Missouri and her husband and daughters.  We have not seen the girls since we visited them when Dakota was 4!!  We got to see them for a couple of hours yesterday and are hoping for a couple more hours tomorrow.  We have plans galore for the month including movies, daycamp, Park Quests, the Science Center, Mount Vernon a tournament in Charles County and I am sure lots more!


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