Last Week

 This was the last week of my summer break from my school job. I missed everyone and the structure, but I wouldn’t say I was ready to give up the freedoms of summer. 

This was Dakota’s last week of summer break and also his last week of high school training camp…ever. Our first preseason game of his senior year is tomorrow.  

This week I fulfilled my promise to take my oldest granddaughter, Natalie -age 12, to DC to take her time in the Natural History Museum so she could read all the things. We spent two whole hours in the gems and stones section while she soaked up every little bit of knowledge she could about what she was seeing. She was a pleasure to be around and I enjoyed being with her. On the way home we stopped to get Rebecca’s new glasses. She just went to the eye doctor and discovered she has very poor vision. I sat with her as she saw the world clearly for the first time and she was most amazed that the carpet was made of “strings” and not just a blob. 

And on a very good note, today was the first day in over two weeks our pool was pretty and blue!!  We have been fighting the algae war for so long I wasn’t sure we would get past it. My husband has spent hundreds of dollars on shock and algecide and the pool people insisted our chemicals were fine. Finally, today, we achieved success!!  WooHoo!


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