If the world was ending tomorrow

Fueled by the recent ridiculousness of zombie attacks and earth's impending doom tomorrow, I have given brief thought to what it was that I would want to do and say should this indeed be true.  If only given 24 hours until it was all over, I'd first want to bring my daughter home from North Carolina so we could all be together for as long as possible.  I would tell her how incredibly proud I was of her for realizing some of her dreams and for reaching for those that she has yet to achieve.  I would thank her for the wonderful anticipation of the last few months, when we have planned together to welcome her daughter, my granddaughter into the world.  I would thank her for being there for me always and for being not only a wonderful daughter, but a wonderful friend.  I admire her as much as I love her and I have learned so much just being in her company. 
To my second daughter, I would tell her that I know that deep inside you is a wife and mother just waiting to be given the chance to shine.  Someday your prince charming will arrive and you will be everything you are only dreaming of being now.  I am certain that you will find your way and all your dreams will come true.  I am so very sorry that your road was derailed and your plans put on hold, but remember that what doesn't kill us (hopefully not the zombies tomorrow ;-) will make us stronger and you, my sweet baby girl, are building strength and character right now.  Hang in there, because there are wonderful things ahead and I love you, very, very much.  Your day is coming and I am going to be right there cheering the very loudest when it does!!
To my oldest son, you are everything a mother could want in a son and then some.  You are gorgeous and smart and sensitive and kind and I have been truly blessed by the angels in heaven to be your mother.  I hope that we can remain close and continue to discover the world together as you grow into manhood.  You are a daily joy in my life.  I can never thank you enough for that. 
To my baby son....the one who will challenge me the most!  What a pleasure it has been to be given the opportunity to do it all one more time.  Thank you for giving me the chance to see the world through your eyes.  You are so funny and witty and handsome and smart!  Everyday is something new with you and you are right when you say "it never gets old"!  You make every day an adventure and I love being your momma! 
To my husband of twenty years, the love of my life, my knight in shining armor.  I cannot even imagine what this world would have been without you!  You have made my life exciting and full of love and hope and fun and anticipation of all that's left to come.  Someone once said "Grow old with me.  The best is yet to be."  That's what I want from you, my love.  Grow old with me.  We were so young when we began.  We were friends, parents and lovers for years and we become grandparents for the first time next week.   We have shared the good, the bad and the ugly and we are here to tell about it!!  I still think you are sexy and gorgeous and you light up the room when you walk in the door.  I love you.  That doesn't seem enough to say, but I hope you know the unspoken words that go along with it. 
To my momma....I love you so very much.  You are a tough cookie sometimes, but being loved by you has always been like being wrapped up in a cocoon of soft, luxious warmth.  I know now how it feels to love my kids the way you have always loved me and I want to thank you for that.  Some people never know that kind of devotion and I've been blessed by it every day for almost 46 years.  You are the best mom.  I am very glad you are mine.

And I could go on and on and on, but I think I'll just wait and tell everyone how much I love them on Sunday, because the Lord is good and he doesn't "do" zombies and if you believe that the world will really end tomorrow you should re-evaluate yourself and your faith and know that HE expects you to live your life like every day is the last one you will receive.  So come on, Saturday, May 21, 2011.  I believe in the Lord and I believe in his mercy and his love and his forgiveness.  I am not afraid.  I know you will never lead me astray. 


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