Spring Break...a thing of the past!

Today we set about regaining some semblence of normal after a very busy two week spring break.  We did our journaling and handwriting to start off slow and then we finished off a year long workbook about countries around the world and did his ATW homework for co-op this week.  I used PE, art and music from recent spring break activities and we sat together and read some books about Earth Day and going green that we didn't get to read for the actual Earth Day because we were away and began a new daily task that Dakota is in charge of.  He needs to read (and record on the paper taped behind his door) two books of his choosing each day sometime between waking and the time he gets ready for bed.  Every evening he watches a 30 minute tv show.  If his reading is not complete before it's time for the show, he has to read instead of watching.  My hopes there are to encourage independent reading and to add to our list of books, which never looks long enough to me.

We took a break from 12:30 to 1:3 and then after lunch we did a math assessment and some addition and subtraction practice and then started a new science unit on plants.  The SchoolExpress unit on plants is a really good one and that, combined with my Harcourt text and workbook, will make for a fun, comprehensive unit on plants that will lead from living and nonliving things to our animal babies unit at the end the year. 
My county review is this coming Friday, but it's not too big of a stressor for me because things are together for the most part, his binder is in order minus a few papers from the last few weeks and my record book is always up to date.  After that, my plan is to get in approximately three to four full weeks before we end our kindergarten year, but with my granddaughter due in 22 days and our spur of the moment trip to North Carolina for a few days when she decides to arrive, that may or may not pan out.  Not to worry, though, because I'm already looking forward to 1st grade and starting to get some ideas on units and routines that we will use throughout the year. 


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