Cub Scout Camp

Today I took Dakota for his first summer camp experience.  He is a Wolf Cub Scout at the Four Rivers District Scout Camp this week and he was very excited.  I did orientation on Sunday so I knew basically what to expect.  What wasn't expected, however, was the rain that was steadily coming down when we arrived.  We made the best of it and I spent the first two hours as an aide helping Koda's den and taking some pictures.  We had 13 boys in our den, but besides the leader, we also had four adults helping.  Our first station was the bb guns and I could tell from the look on Dakota's face that he wasn't sure what to make of this.  He's been told over and over here...NO GUNS!  No gun games.  No pretend guns.  And here I am standing beside him as he gets the safety precautions told to him by the station leader.  He looked incredibly young sitting there, with his camo hat and gold shirt, just like the 400 other boys and some girls there.  After the talk, he got to shoot the gun twice.  First, however, he had to don safety glasses and then lay on his tummy on the tarp in the puddles and dirt.  He was not happy about any of that, but after he was good and wet and dirty, he didn't mind getting wetter and dirtier.  After the second station I decided it was my time to leave.  Usually I lead all his group, coach his sports and teach him and I thought that this was a great opportunity to teach his almost seven year old self a bit about independence.  He gave me a hug and sent me on my way. 

Coming home I was a little apprehensive.  What was I thinking leaving my boy alone with a woman I barely knew in a sea of 400 other children with no one looking out for the safety and welfare of my little boy above all others?  I knew, though, that this was the right time and the right place and the day held so many fun activities for him, I was sure (pretty sure anyway) that he was going to love it.

I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy my day.  It was incredibly quiet.  I got to take a little nap with Brian since he's working nights this week.  Brian David was in his room doing his summer thing.  I got some of my transcription done.  Did some laundry.  Surfed on the computer.  It wasn't bad!  At 3:15 I took Brian David to get a snowball and then I headed back out to Crownsville to pick Dakota up.  He didn't see me at first, but I got a huge hug when he did.  Another boy, however, tattled on him that he got in trouble.  The tears came fast and hard because he knew he had been warned.  The leader told me it wasn't a huge big deal.  He had picked up a rock off the path and thrown it...not AT someone, but it almost hit someone.  He was reprimanded and he cried a bit.  She said he had a few minutes of tough times missing me, but all in all, he did well.  I stayed with him for his skit (which was embarrassingly awful) and closing ceremonies and then I took my tired, dirty, happy boy home.  Later in the evening he brought me a bath towel and proceded to teach me how to fold the United States flag.  Pretty cool!  Now tomorrow I get to get him up at 6:45 and do it all over again.  And again.  And again.  All week long. I know he is enjoying the activity and I'm sure he's learning some important physical, mental and social skills, as well as practicing his independence. 


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