Scout camp, day 4

Today was a tough one at camp.  It was very hot and muggy and the kids were definitely feeling the pace of the 4th long day in a row.  They are young, just turning 7 or not quite 7, and I think 7:45 to 4:15 is a really, really long day for them.  I stayed to help this morning (herding kids, cutting off behavior issues, stringing beads, supervising lines etc) and we did opening ceremonies, games, nature, fishing, archery and skills before lunch.  Koda's personality is so strong.  It was actually very eye opening to see him interact with this large group (14 kids) over the last few days.  He's gotten in trouble at least once a day and he is definitely one of the more physical of the kids.  He is quick to cop an attitude and get in a snit, but he's also confident and friendly and gets along really well with the kids.  He seems to be doing extremely well socially. 

After lunch today, the fire truck came to spray their hoses and the kids went wild running in the water and having a great time.  They were drenched from head to toe, but they were invigorated and refreshed and ready for their afternoon.  I left for home around 12:45 and big Brian was set to visit from 2 to 4.  I found it very amusing when he called asking where he was supposed to sit (on the grass) and what exactly he was supposed to do (help!).  He was completely out of his element and hated every minute.  I came back at 4 and we did the long, boring closing ceremonies for the day and then Koda and I got in the car and headed home.  We stopped to get snowballs at Three Bears Creamery, made a deer run down the park and then he got his bath, we had dinner and each of us relaxed, watching tv and doing our own thing.  He was asleep in minutes after I tucked him in at 8:30. 

Tomorrow is another very long day at camp.  There are supposed to be shortened stations and then what I hear is a long and boring closing ceremony.  I will just be glad when it's over.  Brian and Brian are going away on their man's weekend so tomorrow night Koda and I will have a repeat of tonight and then we have a busy day planned for Saturday after sleeping in.  Sunday is supposed to be a Dugout Club game at the O's, but we will have to see if we can handle the pace. 


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