One video says it all.

If you are a follower of my blog you know that I am an Archbishop Spalding Cavalier football mom.  Every season is emotional for me, watching my son from age six to eighteen, but this season was his last and it was a special one for us all.  Our coach, Mike Whittles, is an awesome man.  He is the friendliest man you will ever meet and he truly loves football and his players.  He expects alot from his boys, but in return, he gives so much more. We have been involved with alot of teams over the years, but never before have I witnessed the emotions that play out on the football field at Spalding.  Coach Whittles and all his assistant coaches, including my husband, not only give football instruction, they give love.  They hug the boys often.  They express their feelings openly. It is not unheard of to hear the words "I love you" from coach to player or player to coach.  It has been an awesome experience being a spectator to such love and I feel very blessed that my son got to experience it as well. 

This year our coach found out in February that he has stage IV pancreatic cancer.  It was a devastating blow to everyone, but Coach has been there through it all, fighting the cancer as brutally as he prepares his players to fight the opponent.  He would go to chemo treatments in the morning and stand on the sidelines coaching his boys at night.  He has taught the boys to appreciate every opportunity and his motto is "Make Every Day Count".  What an inspiration he has been to each and every one of us, but especially to impressionable young men who are still figuring out how to act in the world of adults. 

This Friday our team played their final game of the 2011 season.  My son played the final game of his career.  Coach Whittles...he hopes to be back on the sidelines next year coaching the next line of Spalding players.  He isn't a quitter and, God willing, you will be hearing about the miracle that is Coach Whittles for many years to come.  He is "Mr. 5%".  Miracles do happen and he is a walking, talking, hugging, loving example.  In this video, at the end, it is my son, #18, who is in tears, hugging the coach and expressing his love.  What a beautiful expression of emotion between two people.  Thank you, Coach Whittles, for every day of the last two football seasons.  Thank you for being a inspiration to my husband and my son.  Thank you for loving us all.  Because of you, we are working hard to Make Every Day Count.  We love you!


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