Slowing Down the Pace

Sunday morning dawned chilly, foggy and with a misty rain, but I had a livingroom full of yard sale goods, had posted 30 signs in the neighborhood and had three friends coming at 6am to set up with me, so this was a "go".  I woke my older son, who promised to help me, and together we got what we could out into the yard.  My friends showed up and they too set up.  By 8:30 things were a little brighter and I got the last of my things out of the house and onto blankets and tables in the yard.  We didn't have a good turn out in the early morning, mostly due to the weather, so I thought I would put 10 more signs out quickly before people headed to church a few streets over for the morning service. I posted three or four and then pulled into the 7-11 parking lot, grabbed a flier and my tape and jumped out of the truck.  As I rounded the back of the truck I stepped into a hole in the parking lot and went down hard, my left ankle making awful noises and red hot pain shooting through my leg.  I saw stars, but knew I had to get home.  I went back to the truck, hauled myself in and drove the three blocks back to my house, hoping I wouldn't pass out the entire time.  I pulled up, put the car in park, opened the door and called for one of my friends to get my husband.  I had a very hard time getting into the house and the pain was intense.  I was sure I broke my ankle and I was terrified of the repercussions!  My husband got dressed and took me to the hospital while my friends held down the fort.  Luckily, there were few people there and, after xrays, the doctor came in and wrapped me up, declaring my ankle sprained.  I was back at the yard sale in less than 90 minutes, but so incredibly incapable!  I could barely get around, not able to put any weight on my good foot and dealing with crutches that hurt my arms more than they helped my foot!  With alot of help from my husband and my sons, I got through the day, but it was a struggle.  I am not one who takes limitations very well!

Today I didn't have my granddaughter because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to handle her.  I did my very best to spend the entire day in my recliner with my feet up, relaxing.  That's not easy!  I am so high energy and I feel like I am completely useless to everyone when I do nothing.  Koda and I homeschooled from the recliners, reading, doing our math, spelling, reading and language arts together and by lunch time I was actually doing much better and was able to get around a bit, sit outside for a little while and function without much pain.  Thank you, God, for making me a quick healer.  I am still moving much more slowly than normal, but I am getting there.  I am very thankful it wasn't a break and very thankful for an empty schedule so I didn't have to rearrange or juggle.  I know this week is going to be a work in progress, but I am hoping to be at least 80% by the weekend.


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