Shades of Lavender

Today I spent about an hour with my best friend.  We stopped at her house to give her kids some toys we had for them and while the kids played, she and I chatted in that comfortable way that close friends do, feet curled up on the chairs, oblivious to the noise, chatting about nothing in particular.  We left the living room, wandering toward my car and we talked about our gardens and she showed me her new greenhouse and what was growing in her front yard plot.  Nothing exciting.  Nothing blog worthy, right?  But what if you knew that just a month ago I thought I was going to lose my best friend.  She and her family were put in a tough position when her husband was laid off and she very nearly moved to Iowa.  We could still be friends, of course.  Cell phones, email and Facebook would have kept us connected.  Times like today, however, would have been a thing of the past.

In the past few months I have thought a lot about what our friendship means to me.  I have cried many tears.  I have been strong when she needed to lean on me.  I have crumpled when she looked away.  My husband told me "well, just find another best friend".  Men.  It doesn't work that way.  You just don't find a best friend.  They don't wear a sign that says "hey, over here!  I'm the one!"  They can't be bought at Walmart.  You can't even buy a recycled one at the thrift store.  Best friends happen over a period of time.  You meet.  You chat.  You tell a secret.  You cry a tear.  You share a hug.  You rant and rave.  And before you know it, BAM, you know she's the one!

Before my friend came along I hadn't had a best friend in the true sense of the word in a long time.  I have some girlfriends and I have a few relationships that have stood the test of time, one for my entire life and one since I was nine years old.  Those ladies mean the world to me, but life and circumstance don't allow us to connect very often.  With my best friend, we connect almost on a daily basis.  Our favorite time to chat is over coffee early in the morning, but you will find us sneaking in calls throughout the day and sharing texts and emails too.  We share our ups and our downs.  We share our dreams and our hopes. We share stories of our children and husbands and the trials and tribulations of homeschooling.  We share our lives.

So I could go on and on about all the things I get from my best friend, but I think you get the picture.  Losing her would have been heartbreaking and I know she would be irreplaceable.  I am thrilled beyond belief that she will be sticking around.  I love her and I love her children.  I love the times we manage to sneak away for cookie sundaes or tacos.  I love that she always, always has my back and I love that she loves me too.  She sees me for who I am....and she still loves me.  Best friends don't come around every day.  I sure am glad that mine came around when she did and I hope she stays around for many years to come.


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