Ancient Egypt

Today we really started delving into our ancient Egypt study.  We are supposed to be following Story of the World, Volume 1 and I love the program, but we got off to a bad start with all the personal and family issues we had this school year early on and rather than stress about it, I shoved it aside and just got back into it recently.  SOTW kind of zooms past this part, but I found there is so much to learn and tons of great crafts and fun activities to do that we are going to slow down, have fun and really enjoy it.

Today we reviewed our SOTW story about the Nile River then did a short mapping activity that they presented.  Then I used to pull up a "follow the directions" map on Egypt that was more comprehensive and Dakota did that.  We read a story about the two kings and Upper and Lower Egypt and how King Menes won the battle and combined the colors of the two crowns to make one united country.  We followed up by starting our new Magic Tree House book, Mummies in the Morning, and doing the comprehension and vocabulary activities, this time from my second favorite lesson website,  Both of the above linked sites cost $20 a year, but I will tell you again that they are worth every penny and I have been a subscriber for twelve years!  I use them several times a week!

Another site that I have become a huge fan of is  Jill, who blogs and runs this website, is fantastic and has many fun and educational packets and activities that we have incorporated into our homeschooling experience.  Today we printed out, in black and white, her countdown to Christmas snow globes and spent time together coloring them in.  We are going to use them with her Countdown to Christmas USA unit, which is on her members only board ($15 for a lifetime membership!).  There are fun activities and educational activities galore in this unit and I surprised Dakota when I showed him the Maryland unit...featuring the Baublitz Bunch!  Jill had taken requests for someone in each state to write in about the traditions in their family and we were picked so there is a favorite picture of Dakota (at around 4, but sooo darned cute!) and another of Natalie last year, her first Christmas.  I can't wait to start the fun state activities and Dakota always loves learning about the states in any form.


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