100 Days

Yesterday we celebrated 100 days of school.  It was a few days late, but it was a perfect "snow" day activity.  We were supposed to get a foot of snow and everything around Maryland closed down.  Most of us, however, didn't even see a dusting.  Very disappointing!!  Anyway, we started our celebration after lunch, doing fun papers, playing Yahtzee and hoping for an extra Yahtzee to give us 100 points, doing a puzzle with 100 pieces, watching two 100 Days of School books on tape and reading I'll Teach My Dog 100 Words and Caps for Sale.  We hit a snag when we tried to find pictures from 1913, which I found odd. Google is usually much more efficient for me.  Then we hit another snag when I asked Dakota to draw a picture of what he thought life would be like in 2113.  He felt that nothing would have changed in 100 years and no matter how much I tried to make him understand the leaps in technology in just the last 20 years, he was convinced...or maybe he just didn't want to do the assignment.  Anyway, that led to an argument and after a time out for both of us, we came back together and made green eggs and "ham" (bacon) for our Dr. Seuss week and pancakes in the shape of the numbers for 100 for dinner.  All in all, it was a decent 1/2 day, and now we can move on to the rest of the school year, however long that ends up being.


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