All Hallow's Eve

Koda and I had a productive day today, the last day before Halloween.  We did all the regular schoolwork, did a biography on Brad Paisley and listened in on my oldest son's new radio show, featuring that country music artist, that Brian is doing from Towson.  After lunch Dakota couldn't wait to read the rest of Haunted Castle on Hallow's Eve (Magic Tree House) and as promised, it was one of her best books.  In the beginning, the sorcerer, Merlin, writes his message to Jack and Annie on a leaf so after reading the rest of the book and answering the comprehension questions, we went outside and got our own big leaves and Dakota wrote messages on them.  Then we took them downstairs and laminated them so they would keep for awhile.  He even wrote a message to his brother on one, telling him how proud he was of his radio show.

We finished the day with history, which tied in with our Greek Myths class.  We read the story of Zeus, Aphrodite and the golden apple and I was happy to see that Dakota has picked up so well on these myths.  I have always loved them myself.  Now it's off to Walmart for some last minute costume things and then work for mommy and down time for Koda before dinner and practice tonight.


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