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October is here and almost gone and I feel like I have missed most of it with the crazy goings on that we have experienced.  From the birth of our second granddaughter to Science Center days to a crazy contract at work, I have been a whirlwind....but it's time to refocus.

Today we eased back into our routine with a low stress approach.  We took the little girl we watch on Monday and Tuesday mornings to school and then went to Walmart and got a few groceries we needed, another huge pumpkin (at $2.97 it was a GREAT deal) and Dakota got to choose his Halloween night costume.  We came home and his sister, who is still on maternity leave, switched with me and took Dakota and Natalie to the park and I kept new baby Rebecca.  During the hour they were gone, Rebecca and I got a visit from MomMom and enjoyed some snuggles.  When Kris returned with the kids we did lunch and then it was time for Dakota to buckle down for some work.  He is NOT an afternoon worker, but we managed a fairly good three hours of "morning work", a spelling test from last week and a pre-test on this week's words, reading of his new book club book, Witches, by Roald Dahl, a math review lesson and his Harcourt Science workbook on physical and chemical changes.

After dinner and Daddy left for college classes, we decided to test out our knowledge of chemical changes and we followed the directions and made a pumpkin pie, seeing what heat did to the ingredients.  We filled out a scientific method sheet in our Science journal, deciding that our conclusion would be in the tasting of the pie.  It was delicious!

We were supposed to do an art craft tonight, but Dakota's friend from across the street came over and they jumped on the trampoline instead.  Now he is bathed and had his dessert and we are relaxing and waiting for Dad to come home and get his piece of pie.  Other than some normal contention from a little boy trying to worm his way out of schoolwork, it was a nice, normal Monday.


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