All's Quiet

Today I just didn't have it in me after such a hectic start to the week to do much, so the three daycare kids I had, along with my son, did a whole lot of nothing.  The older two hung out, played on their tablets and played a game.  The younger two just played with toys in the playroom.  This all gave my older son and I time for a heart to heart and then it was nuggets and macaroni for everyone and naps for the littles.

When the younger ones went off to sleep, Dakota and Mariah and I sat around talking about Mother Goose rhymes and I recited many of them for the kids.  They then went out to the table and we did a written scavenger hunt that asked questions about the rhymes such as "what did the dish do in Hickory, Dickory, Dock?"  When they were finished, we went over poetic rhyme schemes for quatrains, reviewing for Dakota and teaching the concept to Mariah.  When they had it down and we did a practice few together, I turned them loose to come up with their own poem and put it in a Mother Goose template.  After that, the two of them worked hard together on a cryptogram type puzzle featuring Mother Goose rhymes and then they did their timed math quiz.

Their last assignment for the day was to come up with a nursery rhyme to teach to the preschoolers tomorrow and then come up with a craft to go with it.  Mariah chose Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary and is making a bouquet of paper flowers.  Dakota is doing Simple Simon and he is having the kids make a pretend fruit pie with a paper plate, markers and paint daubers.  I was proud of the effort they both put into it.

Now, here I am, in a quiet, mostly empty house at 5:30.  My little son is in his room, the pets are sleeping, hubby is at college and the older boy is playing basketball at college with a friend.  I so needed a day like this!  I am hoping for fair and cooler weather tomorrow so we can all get some outside time and some much needed vitamin D!


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