Wacky Wednesday

We continued our busy first week of summer with a trip to Chuck E. Cheese with all the kids today.  We had two babies, 3 preschoolers and 2 almost ten year olds.  We thought that they opened at 10am, but when we got there, we found that they now open at 11.  So we improvised and took a group field trip to Petco next door and spend 45 minutes looking at the cats, guinea pigs and mice.  We even got to pet a very large iguana that a man brought in.  The last fifteen minutes were spent singing the Ants Go Marching and playing London Bridge until the employee finally took mercy on us and let us in.  We ordered pizza and tokens with our gift cards and spent the next 90 minutes having fun and not spending a dime of our own money.  Excellent!  The kids even got to parade behind Chuck E. Cheese himself and got a group picture with him.

After getting home and getting the little ones in for a nap, I took the older two to the Arbutus Library and got them into their Nanoscience class.  They did some experiments, learned about some cool things and made a craft while I peacefully looked at books and was able to think whole thoughts without interruption.

A snowball on the way and a quick stop in Dollar General for essentials and then we were home for the end of the day chaos.  Then, once again, I had to take my daughter and granddaughters home.  Her car is down with bad breaks and I don't mind actually, but by the time I get home it's 7 and I'm wiped out and have to get dinner and then when I try to sit down to get something done on the computer or with my lesson planning, my eyes are gritty and I'm falling asleep.  And tomorrow will be the same.


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