February Fun

Yesterday we had a family snow day.  Dad worked from home, college son and girlfriend were here, Dakota and I took the day off.  The snow had actually fallen the night before and the day dawned sunny and clear.  We all hung out for most of the day and then at 4pm my daughters both arrived, as well as my two granddaughters.  My husband and younger daughter and I took Dakota and Natalie, my 3 1/2 year old granddaughter, sledding.  We went to a nearby park with big hills and spent almost 2 hours sledding and hauling each other up the hill.  The kids had a blast.  Poppy wore himself out and I took tons of pictures!  I love capturing the fun they are having, the blue of their eyes and the rosy red of their cheeks!

The cold warranted a warm drink and some donuts at the nearby Dunkin Donuts and then home to the rest of the gang for a steak dinner with microwavable sides (not my usual - but quick and easy!)  Dinner was noisy and chaotic, but that's the way it is with 8 people in the house.  How about adding a newborn granddaughter in a few weeks?

Things finally settled down around 7:45 and we put on Grease for our family movie.  My 10 year old is still too naive to catch most of the raunchy references in the film and he enjoyed the cool swagger the guys had and the songs they all sang.  We were all exhausted by bedtime and those cool sheets sure did feel good when we climbed underneath.


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