Travel Anyone?

Two years ago when my little son and I were going to Walt Disney World in Florida, I used the services of a fabulous travel agent from Destinations to Explore named Regina.  She answered all my questions and set us up for a fabulous time with absolutely everything taken care of.  No worries.  When we returned I chatted online with her about how becoming a travel agent would be a perfect "second career" for me now that I have raised three kids and the last is ten.  We talked about my family's love of travel and how I have been organizing trips and activities for Maryland homeschoolers for the past fifteen years.  She suggested I put an application in with her travel agency and gave me all the information.  I did put an application in and sent along my resume.  I didn't hear anything back and soon I was too busy with life to even remember I did so.

Last week I got an email from Destinations to Explore.  The name sounded familiar.  It was the same lady I had been referred to and she asked in her email if I would like to work for the company as a travel agent!  I had to read and reread the email, wondering if it was some kind of scam.  I looked up the company, although I knew they existed because I had used them myself.  What I found was a well respected company, with a unit specifically for Florida attractions.  I still couldn't wrap my head around it.  I contacted my agent from 2012 again and asked questions.  I verified the name of the woman I was speaking to.  Yes, this was legitimate!

Two days ago I signed a contract!  I was notified yesterday that as soon as my Sea World login and password issues are dealt with I will begin training and within a few weeks I will be a travel agent!  Oh my!  I cannot believe that this opportunity has been given to me and I intend to make the most of it.  I am in love with all things Disney so this is perfect for me.  The company also does cruises, beach resorts, Hawaii and more.  I am feeling extremely blessed.

So if you are feeling the itch to travel or know someone who is, I would love to work with you to make your vacation one to remember.  I should be up and running by March 1st.  I just can not wait!


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