Sometimes It's Just That Easy!

Today our schooling went very quickly!  I had to work in the morning so I gave Dakota his geography homework from co-op, which is a follow the instructions map of South America.  He worked on that and watched a movie so I could finish up.  Afterward, we played a cute game called Put It In The Bank that I got at the dollar store a few months ago.  You draw cards and add up the money on the card.  If you get it correct, you move a spot.  This took about 30 minutes and I decided we had worked hard enough to skip a structured math lesson for the day.  Science was a continuation of habitats, learning about the 4 ground habitats today from our text and doing a few workbook pages to go along with it.  We are going to follow through the text and then break it down and learn about each area a little more in depth through the next couple of weeks.  We did handwriting and grammar, working on N,V,Adj, N structure today and on compound words.  Koda came up with his own rap song about Mario for music and he had 2 hours of football last night for PE.  He's in his brother's room playing Reading Rabbit on the computer now so the only thing left to do is reading, which we will get to tonight.  I am babysitting his best buddy (and bff's little sister!) this afternoon, so it's playdate time and I think we may go to the park if my heating oil is delivered by then.  I love when it all comes together effortlessly like it did today.  1:15 and we are done for the day!  (or at least he is!  I have planning to do for my new co-op meeting tomorrow!)


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