Some Days are Longer Than Others

Today was a field trip day for us.  Our group went to Port Discovery and Dakota played soccer endlessly with his buddies and enjoyed pretend play in the diner and the Royal Farm store.  After three hours we are both tired.  It was a nice time for both of us, hanging out with friends, but it's so nice to be home for the rest of the day.  This afternoon I have to work and he's relaxing with a Dr. Seuss Horton Hears a Who movie and doing his coloring homework from his co-op class.  Not much for the books today, but a full one none the less.

This evening we played regular Apples to Apples and Disney Apples to Apples.  Dakota worked with alot of unfamiliar vocabulary in this game as well as practicing his reading skills.  Afterward we sat as a family and judged all the male vocalists on American Idol.  My son is a very opinionated young man when it comes to his musical taste!


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