Squeeze Play!

Today I had many, many things to do but I wanted to make sure we got in at least the basics in school.  We have enough PE and Art to cover a few days ahead, but I wasn't willing to call it a day and not do any work at all.  I work from home and my "office" is my desk where I also homeschool from.  Dakota sits at the table by me and I can print and search while he's doing a little independent work.  Today I was all about having him do what he could on his own so I could finish my folders for work...not an easy task for a kindergartener!!  He did well, though, and finished his George Washington packet with the word games, did his math lesson and addition practice, colored his homework for our co-op tomorrow and then we went in together and read The Cat In The Hat and did the cloze activity that went with that.  Thankfully, MomMom picked him up at noon to take him to Chuck E. Cheese and I got to finish my folders and drive to Lutherville to drop them off and pick up the next batch.  A quick stop at the library to pick up books for my units next week and I arrived home just in time to let them in the door.  A little down time and dinner and then off he went with his dad for his first arena football practice.  I'm home planning for tomorrow's co-op classes and looking forward to my favorite nite of television with American Idol, Ghost Hunters and Toddlers & Tiaras :-p  If you stop by to read my blog, leave me a message!  I'd love to hear from you!


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