Monday, Monday

Today we focused mainly on Science and Social Studies.  Dakota was sick on Thursday and didn't finish his classwork so he finished that this morning, doing his word search, Amazon Gazette and passport.  We talked about South America and rain forests some and then moved on to science, reading out of our text on how plants and animals help one another and doing the corresponding workbook pages.  Leaving rainforests, we moved on to our next habitat, quickly covering deserts and watching an Eyewitness DVD that wasn't half as good as the last one we watched.  Then Dakota went onto the computer and did some online coloring of desert animals.  We read a factual sheet on deserts and found where they are located across the globe, as well.  Since it was completely gorgeous outside, we took our math out to the deck and battled a good breeze to do some measuring.  His mind was elsewhere, however, so we decided to break for lunch.  Afterward, we finished our Magic Treehouse book, Afternoon on the Amazon and Dakota read Hop on Pop to me.  We chose a Vocabulary Tales book, a fantastic Scholastic find, to squeeze in a little language arts and then called it a day. PE tonight was football.  We didn't get to art or music today. 
      Over this past weekend we also got in a little schooling when Dakota chose to invent his own game, called Crispy, complete with rules and jersey illustrations.  He also attended Sunday School and learned about the 4 kings and did some marble painting.  He had a football game and he also played tag and baseball outside with his friends.  Those things count and I'm sure to write them down!  Tomorrow we are home all day so I'm looking forward to another productive day. 


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