Ladies and Gentlemen...Step Right Up!

Today Dakota and I went to the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus.  We went with alot of other homeschool friends and my friend Leigh and her granddaughter.  The kids were excited, the arena was packed and the preshow was hyping everyone up.  It started right on time and right away you could tell that the circus had joined the 21st century.  There were lots of screens, lasers and glitzy sets.  The costumes were modern and the songs very hiphop and cool.  Dakota was sucked right in, waving and smiling.  We had excellent seats, 3 rows off the floor, and each act brought a bigger smile and more shine to his eyes.  I really wasn't looking forward to the day, but we ended up having alot of fun and, while I enjoyed the show, I enjoyed watching Dakota more.  Now we are home and he is in his room building a circus with his legos and using his little people and animals to make his own acts.  Gotta love his ingenuity!  Next year we will start all over again with the next generation, taking baby Natalie to her first circus, but for this year, my own little boy was all I needed to make my experience a great one. 


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