It's Great To Be A Homeschooler

Today we had a special treat that we surely would have missed if we had been at work or at school.  My husband isn't busy at work and he took a ride down to the park next to our home.  He called and told me to bring Dakota down to watch a momma fox, so Koda and I jumped in the car and went down to see what was going on.  We turned off the car and watched in fascination as a momma fox ran across the road in front of us, stopping to check us out, then ran into the trees, across the field and up onto a raised mound of dirt, into a rabbit hole and came back out carrying a baby rabbit.  Back across the field she went, through the trees, across the road and into the woods on the other side.  My husband saw her do this twice before we joined him and we saw her go through the whole cycle twice, once with a baby rabbit and the final time coming up empty.  It was sad for the baby rabbits, yes, but we explained the circle of life to Dakota and how this momma was working hard to make sure her babies were fed.  It was a priceless science lesson for the day! 
     We spent most of our time today delving into the Amazon rain forest.  We watched an Eyewitness video entitled Jungles, read books about Brazil, Red-eyed Tree Frogs, an amazon folk tale called Jabuti, the Tortoise by Gerald McDermott, and a fun book about Code Blue with games in it.  We did a SchoolExpress unit (a free unit every week!  sign up at on Rainforests that included reading and cloze activities, illustrating and word games.  I love those packets because they are so all encompassing.  When we finished that Dakota decided he wanted to do his poster of an amazon rain forest animal that is his homework this week from his Around the World class.  He chose the jaguar and I printed off a picture to color and some information to add to the poster.  We used pre-cut letters to spell Jaguar, he colored the picture and added a rainforest background and we put the information all around.  On the other side we made the Liana vines that I had posted on this blog last week.  It looks terrific and he's so proud!  I'm proud that we finished two days early and won't be rushing to get it done Thursday morning!  Other than that we did journaling and handwriting and that's about it.  Tomorrow we will do math, manners and a little science text before making our rainforest cookies and watching Ferngully, The Last Rainforest.  Sounds like a nice Wednesday coming our way!


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