Here comes September

So here we are, firmly into September, usually my all time favorite month, tied with October.  Clean slate.  New homeschool year.  Great fall colors.  Crisp temperatures (soon).  This year, however, I don't think I am liking September very much.  Anxiety, stress and depression are constantly chasing me down, but I am trying to stay one step ahead.  Schooling Dakota gives me a diversion and it was actually the best time of my day yesterday once I got myself focused and found all the materials I needed that were sitting right under my nose, right where I put them.  We didn't do anything wonderful or creative, but we did work consistently.  We didn't get it all in, but I didn't stress over that because, in the big scheme of things these days, that's little stress.  I am pleased that we have quickly fallen into a new morning pattern of doing Today's Special and then his "daily prep", which includes a daily short language arts exercise book activity, a daily/calendar packet and writing in his journal.  His math is Grade 3 and I thought it would present more of a challenge, but   math for him is more of a two minute "this is how you do it" and then he does.  Very little stumps him.  He struggled for awhile last year with the difference between the physical appearance of a picture of a quarter and a nickel, but that resolved itself.  I always feel like I should be doing more in the math department, but he seems to not really need my instruction.  It just all makes sense to him. He sure doesn't take after me!


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