Day Two, Red, White and Blue

Today is day two of our patriotic week.  We got a late start and then had breakfast and Dakota and the girls got started on their packets.  There were coloring sheets, word games and math, all with a patriotic flavor.  They did red, white and blue pipe cleaner link necklaces and made bookmarks.  Then they headed into Dakota's room to watch Dolphin Tale and make bead art while they sat at trays on his bed.  Things are going very smoothly today, which is good, since I have little get up and go.

This afternoon the kids had lunch and patriotic cupcakes and then wound down quietly in Dakota's room, reading and drawing and playing games.  Once the girls left, Dakota and his brother and father had a man's night, playing baseball and watching baseball together, and my good friend and I had a girls night planned to celebrate both our birthdays.  I stopped at Bakery Express and bought us both a piece of Oreo Dream Cake/Cheesecake and got two forks and I picked her up, parked the car in a church parking lot and we ate our cheesecake and let the tension of a busy life roll away.  Afterward, we went to Columbia and had dinner at Don Pablo's and then went to 2nd Place thrift store and spent more than an hour cruising the aisles and snapping up deals.  For me, that means lots of books!  I dropped Lavender off around 9:30 and then went home to my guys, snuggling up with my husband to finish the O's game and quietly playing my Kindle Fire once he had fallen asleep.


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