Red, White and Blue Week

After a slow day at home yesterday and a late night watching the Orioles spank the Yankees on ESPN, it was up and at 'em for a busy Monday.  The daycamp girls came today and they all played Mine Craft in Dakota's room until breakfast at 9:30.  They started working on their themed packets for the week, doing the word search and coloring the front page.  At 10:00 we headed out to my work and then back to the library, where they did a scavenger hunt, got books and wandered around.  We checked out and headed to lunch at Sorrentos with Kris, Natalie and Brian David then from there everyone went to the Ice Cream Cottage for a treat.  The older kids played checkers and I enjoyed watching my granddaughter devour her ice cream.  She's a beautiful child and I could stare at her all day.  She's talking so well now and learning something new almost by the hour.

When I got the gang back home they worked on their packets for 90 more minutes, doing adjectives, math, coloring and crafts.  Today's main craft was a tp roll eagle.  I gave them all patriotic pencils and a red container of bubbles to add to the themed fun and 4 mini American flags graced our table in the center.  At 3 they were allowed to play their kindles again and as the work day wound down and my granddaughter wound up, I watched her play with her Poppy and thought about how much this little angel has brought to our lives.  She is such a joy.

Tonight my eldest will be taking my youngest to her house and the hubby and I will be using our gift card to a little Italian restaurant in Catonsville that our baseball team gave us before we head to our 7:30 meeting.  Looking forward to some quiet time alone with him and hoping for a week as nice as the past one was with lots of fun, laughs and time together.


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