Happy 4th of July!

Today started out well, sleeping in til 9:15!  That's really late for me!  My daughter texted me yesterday at 6:45 and I scolded her because I could have slept in.  Today she called laughing at 9:15 and said "I KNOW I didn't wake you up today".  Yep!  Sure did!  But we had to get up anyway.  Did some chores, checked on my new business at www.facebook.com/SunAndSportsTravel  and then my mother in law came over with 2 dozen donuts for breakfast.  I guess she thought we were donut hogs, lol, but we will be eating donuts for days!!  We all left for the Arbutus 4th of July parade at 11:45 and were sitting in our chairs waiting for the parade to start by 12:00.  It was an okay parade, slow starting, but with some good bands near the end.  There was a large float with a man dressed as Francis Scott Key sitting at a desk with his name in big letters on the sides.  A mom next to us called his name to take a picture and the young lady, about 11 or 12 years old next to her, asked "Who's Francis Scott Key?"  Really??  We LIVE IN BALTIMORE!!  My kids knew who he was before they even started school!  Sigh.

After the parade and a quick trip to Walmart for essentials like corn, watermelon and ice cream, my gang came home for us to eat and then they watched the O's game together while I did laundry and straightened up.  They also decided that we are in for the day, save a walk I am getting ready to take with the hubby, and they will watch fireworks from the roof.  I couldn't be happier!!  Happy 4th of July everyone!  Remember to thank a soldier and his or her family for all the sacrifices they are making for us to be the land of the free!


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