Sun and Sports Travel

Soooooooo I did it!  I went ahead and took the leap and made my hobby a business!  I woke up this morning knowing today was the day I was going to take off and get my business off the ground.  I have now started Sun and Sports Travel and I have insurance and a FB page and I have notified all the friends and family in my network and I hope they will continue to spread the word.  Our first trip booked trip is for September 1, 2013 to New York to watch the Orioles take on the Yankees in Yankee Stadium.  We have a 90 minute all you can eat party before the game and group tickets for section 406.  I have put Hubers Bus Company on stand by and I am ready to rock and roll.  All I need now is to fill the seats on the bus and get all the contracts in hand.  If you would like to see what's happening on my facebook page, you can check it out at or email me for more information at  I'm nervous, but super excited!


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