Choice vs Obligation
I have been thinking a lot about this lately. My husband and I go back and forth about choice and obligation. It's a fine line, sometimes. What do you choose to do willingly versus what must you do whether you like it or not? What is an obligation? Is an obligation willful? Here's my take... In my life I choose to homeschool. This is clearly a choice, as my son could easily go to public or private school. Having made that choice, however, I am morally and personally obligated to give him the best education I know how. I watch my granddaughters during the day. This too is a choice. I have two granddaughters and a third is on the way in three months. I choose to watch them and I choose to watch the new baby when she arrives. I am not obligated to my daughter to do so, because I it was not my choice, she could stay home or put them in daycare. So it's my choice to watch them because if their mother cannot...