Twas the eve before Christmas Eve and all through the room
The presents weren't wrapped and floors needed a broom
The kitty was laying wrapped round my head
And the tween, he was playing video games on his bed

Ah, the day before THE day before.  I should be baking and wrapping and singing carols, but I am not.  The husband and I went out for lunch and I had a rare drink and now I'm just tired and lazy.  The presents are piled in the closet downstairs and I keep saying I am going to go down and wrap so I don't get caught doing it all tomorrow.  The oven has been preheating for 30 minutes for those black bottoms I am going to make, but all that's happened so far is the cream cheese is getting soft for the mix.  The fire place was on and now the livingroom is a sauna.  What to do, what to do?  Nothing or something?  Tomorrow will be here in the blink of an eye and I'll really regret not doing anything, but I just don't see it happening.  Merry Christmas Eve Eve.   Hope you are enjoying your holiday!  I am!


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