Merry Christmas!

It was hard to get into the Christmas spirit this year for some reason.  We did alot less as a family in terms of Christmas shows and pagents etc, but alot more in terms of cold nights under warm blankets watching movies and being together.  We were happy, just not jolly, I guess you could say!  Two days before Christmas we decided to head out with our boys and have dinner.  This turned into a very nice holiday outing with dinner at Ruby Tuesdays, walking in the mall, seeing an old friend, hanging out and watching a holiday train garden and seeing some lights on the way home.  Christmas Eve was spent playing games, watching movies and I wrapped while my husband took the boys out for last minute mom shopping.  I baked lots of cookies and about 8pm we got our houseful of guests, including MomMom, both daughters, our son in law, both granddaughters and my daycare baby, along with her mom.  We all waited excitedly for Santa to come by on the fire truck, going out too early and freezing to death, but enjoying the anticipation of seeing the fire truck crest the hill and Santa to be aboard.  The two toddlers were jumping in the back on my husbands truck, squealing and clapping.  My nine year old was dancing with excitement and when the moment finally came, everyone was excited, waving and yelling for Santa.  The kids faces were lit up and their eyes sparkled with that magic only Santa brings.  

Back inside where it was warm and in new pajamas, I gathered my little son, one daughter and one granddaughter up onto the sofa so that I could read the traditional Twas the Night Before Christmas before seeing the older ones off to their own homes and my sons off to bed.  My nine year old still believes, so there was milk and cookies for Santa and so much anticipation that he couldn't sleep.  At 4am he came in my room yet again and said "Good Morning, Mom!".  Sorry, buddy.....not yet!  Finally at 6:15, my husband got up and went in to him and they both piled onto our 20 year old and woke him up.  The dogs had to get in on the fun and I went out to light the tree and make the coffee.  

Opening presents was more fun with all 4 kids at home, but the boys enjoyed their morning, taking turns with their gifts and talking about them.  They had gotten me a few things and the gifts were thoughtful and things that really represent me.  I was very impressed!  Then my husband gave me a compliment.....he told me I "really know what they want" and I do "a good job" with Christmas.  He is not a man of much verbal praise for me and his kind words made my heart sing.

After breakfast with the boys and our younger daughter, we all did our own thing, relaxing and napping and I made the food that I had to take to our older daughter's house for dinner.  We girls headed out a little early to help with getting dinner out and ready and the guys all joined us for a great Christmas feast.  There were family members from my side, from my daughters' natural father's side and from my son in law's family, so it was a nice mix and conversation flowed freely while the granddaughters got lots of attention and hugs.  

My husband and I finally got into bed close to ten and both of us had to work in the morning, although he was the one that had to get up and out since I work from home.  We snuggled in under the covers and kissed another wonderful Christmas goodbye.  Here's to the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014.  I am ready for a bright and positive new year full of fun and family, love and busy activity.  Thank you  God for blessing my family with good health and enough to keep them comfortable and get them through.


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