Amazing Children
Today our homeschool co-op had a mini Olympics field day at the park across the street from my house. The day was cool and clear and we had a good showing with about fifteen of our twenty five or so kids. This is the first year for my co-op, an idea started with two good friends last spring when we knew that the personal demands of our current co-op were putting too much strain on our already overburdened lives. We set the plan in motion, arranged for classes at my church and managed to acquire twelve of the most wonderful homeschooling families, quite by sheer circumstance, and got the co-op off the ground in September. It has been successful beyond my wildest dreams and exactly what I was looking for. We have lost a few members and gained a few, but still manage to have great cohesiveness. Today we met at the park and the kids ran off to play, all fifteen of them, ranging in age from two to ten. No one is left out. No ugly words are ever said. Thi...