Summer Fun

So it's been a few weeks since I have written on my blog and I have missed it!  It's a stress reliever for me and a way to journal and look back at what we have accomplished as a family.

Last week we left on Tuesday morning to go on our first ParkQuest and then on to a camping trip at Jellystone Park in Hagerstown.  The ParkQuest was in Gathland State Park, which I had never heard of before.  It was a bit out of the way and I probably wouldn't have ever had the pleasure of exploring it without our quests, but it was gorgeous and well kept and we had a blast doing the quest and finding answers to questions about George Alfred Townsend, his wife and his life on those grounds.  There was a bonus quest hike that we enjoyed, as well, and the boys got along and were silly and I enjoyed every minute spent with them.  To get our passport signed we had to go to South Mountain Creamery where we, of course, bought freshly made ice cream cones to enjoy on our ride to Hagerstown.

We got lost a bit, but found our way to the campground about 3:00.  It was pretty chilly, about 65 degrees, but Dakota begged and pleaded to get in the water at the pool and on the waterslides after we unpacked the popup and so we did.  The water was heated slightly and he and Brian David were the only ones in there.  The lifeguards had on hoodies and sweatpants and my two crazy boys were swimming!  That night we had a campfire for fun AND to keep warm, but the overnight in the popup was frigid! and there was alot of huddling up being done.

Wednesday morning dawned clear and warmer.  Our campsite was directly across from the mini golf and Koda must have played 20 games and talked the rest of us into playing a few rounds, as well.  Around lunch time we headed to the waterslides.  The sun was out and the day was gorgeous.  Koda played in the water for about 45 minutes and then got out and said he was freezing.  No amount of sun, dry clothing or hugs would warm him up and he started to cry.  We took him back to the camper and he got on a sweatshirt, got under the covers and went to sleep.  Any time Koda naps in mid day is TROUBLE.  He woke up an hour later glassy eyed, red cheeked and burning up.  I gave him tylenol, but the poor kid laid around watching movies on my computer for most of the rest of the day.  He kept his fever all night and so, in the morning, we packed up and headed home.  He was disappointed, but the campground was nice enough to give us a credit on our site so we can come back again this summer.  He stayed in his room in pjs for the rest of the day and Friday morning I took him to the doctor who said his throat was covered in blisters and he had Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease.  Great.  Back home we went to rest up for the weekend.  A friend dropped by and said her son, who was here for the big graduation bash on Saturday, woke up with it there was our source.  I kept him in all weekend and by Monday he was out and ready to conquer the world, playing with the neighbors, swimming in their pool and being a healthy little boy again.  Thank goodness!


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