Happy First Birthday, Rebecca Leigh!

Today my littlest granddaughter (so far!) turned one! She is a wonderfully sweet little girl, full of giggles and smiles, who adores her mommy and who just started walking a few weeks ago. She is the spitting image of her mom and a joy to everyone who knows her and she is the light in this Nana's eyes, along with her big sister. On September 30, 2013 we spent the day in labor and delivery with my daughter and son in law, hoping for a natural birth, but by evening we realized Rebecca was wedged up against my daughter's pelvic bone and was not coming down. The started the prep for a c-section and one of the OR nurses happened to be a girl I went to school with. As it was late and there wasn't too much going on, she allowed me to go down to the area just outside the operating room so I could be as close as possible without being IN there. My daughter and my son in law disappeared behind the doors and I could see in the room, but only the doctor's heads. ...