Let Me Off!!!

This past week I have felt like I am on a merry go round moving at top speed and I just want off!  I have been running, running, running non-stop and when I am not running and I am home there is so much to be done that I am overwhelmed.  Today I was supposed to do all my shopping early and then clean the carpets and do my work tonight while the guys went to the Towson game so that I could relax tomorrow.  Right......NOT.  I ended up shopping all day, bringing the last of the groceries in at 6:00.  I spent way too much money trying to shop for the two weeks and also for Thanksgiving and spending money on some Christmas things too that I really shouldn't have.  Oh well.  So now tomorrow, instead of relaxing, I will be cleaning this filthy house, cleaning the filthy carpets, wiping up the filthy floors, doing the laundry and then working.  Sigh.  It just goes round and round and round. 


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