Thanksgiving Week

This has been a full and crazy busy Thanksgiving week, thankfully with a healthy family, much unlike last week.  My husband had the week off for vacation so we took our little son and our granddaughter to Arundel Mills with us to get a new cell phone.  Dakota got in the hamster balls at the food court and wore himself out while we let Natalie sit on the table and entertain us.  Tuesday we left early and took our boys to Ocean City for an over night excursion.  We stopped for breakfast at Bob Evans and then went to Blackwater Wildlife Refuge in Cambridge on the way down.  We stopped and walked a trail and Dakota got the idea to "try out" this dark black mud that they have put down near the water and before we could get to him he was sinking and lost both shoes on the way out!  Dad to the rescue, holding onto a tree branch and leaning out with a stick to scoop up the shoes, getting his shoes black and almost sucked off in the process.  It was histerical and my older son and I enjoyed watching their antics.  We got to see several bald eagles up close and finally headed out to finish our trip to the Ocean.  We got there around 3:00, checked in to the Carousel and then the three guys went swimming.  When they came back we went across the street to Winterfest to ride the train and see the lights and when we got back the boys went ice skating at the rink in the hotel.  Dad went for pizza and by the time they were worn out we were able to eat and then hop in our beds and do our own thing and watch The Santa Claus on Tv.  Tuesday we were up and out by 10 and made our way back home where I cooked and cleaned and we got ready for the big feast.  Our granddaughter joined us for an overnight visit around 9 and we all called it a night.

My daughter made my day early on when she called Thanksgiving morning at 7 saying she couldn't sleep and did I want to have coffee while we waited for the baby to wake up.  I always love having the time to sit and chat with her and we watched a movie and relaxed while Tom the Turkey roasted in the oven.  She went home to get ready, we watched the parade and our other daughter and her friend were over by noon.  At 2:30 my sister in law joined us and we had a nice, relaxing Thanksgiving dinner, the very first for our littlest princess.  She was the center of attention and looked so cute in her little gray sweater. 

The dinner ended early with everyone having plans to go see others and my Brians got ready and headed to see the Ravens game.  Dakota and I took Keri and her friend home and then we got on our pjs and watched the Ravens game for a bit in the recliners before calling it a night around 10.

Friday morning I got up early and went Black Friday shopping for a few hours.  It was a bit lonely going alone, but I got alot done and was home by 11 to clean up, pack and head out at 1:30 for our cabin camping trip in Hagerstown.  We took our dog, Riley, and he did a great job in the car.  We got to Jellystone a little after 3, took a walk and then settled in for a quiet night....or as quiet as Dakota would let it be.  He did find some friends and today, Saturday, after a few walks and two games of mini golf, he is outside with the all the kids from the campsites playing baseball with one of the dad's supervising.  Nice.  Now I have to decide if I want to call it a night and head home early or if I want to try to occupy Dakota tonight here and head home in the morning.  I really just can't decide. I don't really feel like packing up, but we slept three of us to a double bed last night and I would really love to sit in my recliner.....we'll see.


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