I met Beethoven!!

Today we had a program at our co-op to Meet the Composer.  Mr. Keith Derrickson runs a program where the kids gather around and Beethoven appears via time machine, complete with whirling disco lights. He arrived and captivated the children, talking about his youth, playing pieces of his music and making them giggle using a ventriloquist dummy.  He took them through his growing up years and through the time in Vienna when he was studying music as a young adult.  He acted out how Beethoven looked ot be snubbing people (and got a bad reputation for being grumpy and rude), but in reality, he was embarrassed by his hearing loss and couldn't bear to let people know.

The hour program was just right.  It was fantastic and I can't wait until the spring when we will invite him back to do a program on Johann Sebastian Bach.  Great job, Mr. Derrickson!  Thank you so much for making Beethoven fun!


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